Are We Talking About It?
In my last Blog, ‘Ready To Go The Distance?’ I addressed the issue of how few Americans actually understand the likelihood of their own longevity – let alone the cost of that reality. While there’s some great news about this new longevity, there are also some very scary aspects. Yet
Ready To Go The Distance?
While most people are intrigued about the secrets to living a long, healthy life, what we really need to focus on is do we have what it takes to go the distance. Unfortunately, most people are not only unaware of what today’s retirement requires and entails, they’re most likely totally
What’s the “Secret?”
As a gerontologist studying the aging process, people often ask me, “What’s the secret?” While some of the most exciting research in this field focuses on this area, current studies indicate there’s not just one thing, but rather a number of things that contribute to not only living long, but